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If I Were A Teacher…
  14 декабря 2010
(Студенты факультета романо-германской филологии о профессии учителя)

Продолжаем публикацию размышлений студентов нашего факультета о профессии учителя в Год учителя. Стоит отметить, что здесь приводятся мнения студентов выпуска 2010 года, то есть вполне зрелые рассуждения после двух практик в школе.

Если предыдущая публикация была на русском и английском языках, эта – только на английском. Такова специфика нашего факультета: наши студенты могут рассказать и даже помечтать на английском языке о своей будущей профессии. Вполне возможно, что скоро наш сайт будет выходить на двух языках (по крайней мере). Поэтому рассматриваем нашу публикацию на английском языке как первый шаг в этом направлении.

(Class 2010)

Ideas about the role of the profession in the society:

  • - teaching is a noble profession;
  • - teacher is a great person who does useful things for the future generation;
  • - some years ago the profession was held in respect;
  • - the government should take measures to improve the situation:
  • - if people see the attitude of the government to the teachers they will also respect them;
  • - I would try to make the teaching profession more prestigious as it had been many years ago.

Ideas about the methods of teaching:

  • - I would pay more attention to writing dictations, essays;
  • - I would do projects, organize a theatre-club, arrange literature parties;
  • - I would invent new methods of teaching;
  • - I would use bright pictures and cards;
  • - I would motivate my pupils to study and make them think themselves;
  • - I would use a lot of modern equipment and technical recourses;
  • - I would change the way of teaching English.

Ideas about the upbringing:

  • - I would teach pupils to be polite to each other;
  • - I would be a just and friendly person to my pupils;
  • - I would try to grow talented, well-educated persons;
  • - I would invent a sort of gadget to paralyze pupils when they become disorderly/ It’s very important to keep order in class but this gadget won’t hurt them, it will serve to quiet them down without switching off their mental ability. I know it’s rather cruel but it is
  • - the only way to deal with impudent students;
  • - I would try to make my pupils intelligent and smart;
  • - I would bring up the love of their country and the great people in the pupils’ hearts and minds.

Creative ideas:

  • - if I had a lot of money I would open my own linguistic school and participate in the world programmes with my pupils;
  • - I would set my own school of arts;
  • - I prefer home-schooling and I would educate my own children myself. I believe it is more useful and safe for the children;
  • - I would organize the English language club and would take my pupils to London;
  • - I would travel with my pupils;
  • - I would develop a creative side of the students’ spirit. Why shouldn’t it be enjoyable to learn English?
  • - I would try to be the best in my profession.

Ideas about one’s career:

  • - I would combine teaching with management. I would build my little government and when I organize good work at school I’ll go to the political party;
  • - I would be a good master, then a headmaster. Then I would try to become the Minister of Education and will change the system of education;
  • - If I became a Minister of Education I would forbid some students’ textbooks and would pay a lot of attention to making up new ones;
  • - I would like to work in some obscure village far from the industrial centers closer to Nature. It’s good for one’s nerves and I wouldn’t have to spend the money on buying different stuff that is important for those who live in cities, on paying heating and electricity bills, on car and gasoline;
  • - I would work somewhere in the North or in some big city where there are more possibilities to get a second job. The salary is higher in the North and there are different benefits. If I were just a teacher I would doom myself to a very poor life.
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